Winter, 2009
I want to share with you this Christmas Novena sent to me by the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology.
It is said that this novena was traditionally prayed 15 times a day from the Feast of Saint Andrew, the
Apostle, November 30, until Christmas. Praying it along with my other prayers seems a reasonable way to incorporate this into my Advent devotions. And as it was offered to me so I offer it to you.
Apostle, November 30, until Christmas. Praying it along with my other prayers seems a reasonable way to incorporate this into my Advent devotions. And as it was offered to me so I offer it to you.
Hail and blessed beThe hour and momentIn which the Son of Godwas born of the
Most pure Virgin Mary,At midnight, in Bethlehem,In the piercing cold.I beseech Thee,O my God,To hear my prayers andgrant my desires,[there mention your request]Through the merits ofOur Savior Jesus Christ,and of His Blessed Mother.Amen.
Wishing you all a grand day and may all your prayers be fulfilled in their asking!
Thanks be to God!