Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday of Passion Week


The mysteries of the liturgical cycle no only bring new outpourings of the salvific waters of grace; they also enlighten our minds with insights into the ways of God, ever ancient and ever new.  They teach us more of Christ, they show us more of the meaning of our life in Him, they make us grow in Him, they transform us into Him.  Indeed, the liturgy is the great school of Christian living and the transforming force which reshapes our souls and our characters in the likeness of Christ.
By Thomas Merton
Seasons of Celebration, 53

From Lent and Easter, Wisdom from Thomas Merton
compiled by The MertonInstitute for Contemplative Living
 published by Liguori


Thanks be to God!!


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Palm Sunday Reflection

Saint Meinrad, IN Archabbey
Saint Meinrad, IN

Hail, Queen Wisdom!
May the Lord protect You,
with your Sister, holy pure Simplicity!...
Holy Wisdom confounds
Satan and all his cunning.
Pur holy Simplicity confounds
all the wisdom of this world
and the wisdom of the body. 
Saint Frances of Assisi,
"ASalutation of the Virtues," 164-165

From Lent and Easter, Wisdom from St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi
compiled by JohnV. Kruse, published by Liguori


Thanks be to God!!
