Monday, February 23, 2015

Hope of Spring

"Rather the Lord takes pleasure in the devout, those who await his faithful care."
Psalm 147: 11

And so I will wait and hope in the return of Spring.  I know it will come...

Thanks be to God!!


Friday, February 20, 2015

Love Your Enemies

And thus we are called.  It is not a request.  It is a command.  As followers of Jesus we are commanded to do one of the most difficult things to do in our lives.  Yes.  Love my enemies.  

I will be on retreat this weekend at St. Meinrad Archabbey and  I will be pondering the words I have been called to print here.  I must be in need of this as the Holy Spirit is not frivolous in his actions.  And so I will pray for you and I ask for prayers for me to our merciful Father. 

Thanks be to God!


Thursday, February 19, 2015

Holy Martyrs

"Those who share in Christ's blood have taken their stand with angels, and archangels, and the powers from on high, clad in the royal uniform of Christ with spiritual weapons in their hands.  Yet greater still than that:  They are wearing the King himself!"~~St. John Chrysostom

And so I pray today for all the families of those martyred in the name of our Savior.  Through the pain of their loss they must know that saints were in their midst.  I weep with them.  I thank God for them!  For through their great strength these families are witnesses of courage through the Holy Spirit.

Thanks be to God!!


Wednesday, February 18, 2015