At a time when MANY are anxious, frightened, stressed or lost. I have found that this song is MY best reminder of where I should be seeking consolation.
There was a time when fear was seriously embedded in my heart. When the unknown was my greatest source of anxiety and over which I had no control. It is as vivid today as it was then the for one I loved with all my heart was going to be tested for possible cancer. He is my best friend, my lover and has been my life for forty years.
I wept, prayed, prayed and wept!!! Fear was that GREAT!!! In a dream, for He visits me this way at times, He sang these very words to me. As my dearest of friends was off to his procedure I began humming this tune. For over an hour there was nothing on my mind but the words to this song, a wonderful mantra, and sincerity of prayer. When the gastroenterologist came to us and gave us the report...he told us that there was an ulcer that could be treated with medication and that after another EGD in several weeks this should be healed.
Indeed, healing did take place that day!!! Healing on many levels, physical, emotional, and spiritual. God be praised, for God is good, all the time. His grace is never ending. His love unfathomable. His generosity beyond all comprehension!!!
Thanks be to God!
If you wish to join in this Music Monday visit Shawntele's lovely blog Saved By Grace each Monday for a musical and inspiring start to your week. She hosts Music Monday where we are invited to post a song or video. This is an opportunity to share the music that lift your soul and enlightens your life.
Thanks be to God!