Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sunrise Reflection

Why have you brought us up out of Egypt, to bring us to this wretched place?  It is no place for grain, or figs, or vines, or pomegranates; and there is no water to drink.
~~Numbers 20:5~~
Isn' it odd how sometimes the place we absolutely knew was the place for us--where God wants us to be--ends up being a little more complicated?  We wonder, has God changed his mind, or does he want us to be miserable?
It's a difficult situation to be in, as the Israelites discovered in the desert.  With patience and an open heart--to the needs of others, not just our own--God's will can become clear again.
Until the next time, at least.
Lord, when I begin to feel burned-out, help me seek your loving presence wherever I am.

A Catholic Woman's Book of Days
Amy Weborn

And so this is where I find myself today.  It's been many months since I have visited Amy and her words in this treasure she has written.  Lead by Providence I am sure, I  returned here today found these words were speaking to me.  Though certainly not miserable, I am facing decisions that are most uncertain.  As I enter the stage of life when there are few who require my daily nurturing and instruction, I am faced with the reality that now I really do have to take care of myself.  

I don't even know where to begin.   So I will seek guidance from others so that decisions can be made with  good judgement.  I will trust that my wellbeing is in the hands of the Almighty.  And again that I will continue this journey with my constant companion, Providence.

Thanks be to God!


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This has become a new adventure. One in which I will try to express my journey with providence.