Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Bible

This evening I will present the topic of the Holy Bible to this years RCIA inquirers. Every time I speak before a group of those searching I am awed by their bravery to explore something I have lived with my entire life and in which I find such comfort in, that my Catholic faith. They are courageous and inspiring.

I enter with trepidation. Yes, even fear that the words I speak in instruction will not be clear and perhaps even confuse. I am afraid that I cannot answer their questions because I either do not have the answer or that I will not explain it to their satisfaction. I realize this is, in some way, my pride speaking, for the words should be coming from the Holy Spirit, as I am only his lowly instrument for the words.

I pray earnestly for the Holy Spirit to guide me in this endeavor again and that the words are those that empower the listener to yearn to learn even more.


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This has become a new adventure. One in which I will try to express my journey with providence.