Originally uploaded by Oka Kurniawan My Lent thus far has been more productive than most. I say that as I have just finished a four day mission given by a wonderful Redemptorist, Fr. Vic. Earlier this week was the Penance Service. Being reminded of this again today in this reflection brings even greater healing. Listen with me from Lent and Easter: Wisdom from Fulton J. Sheen, A Redemptorist Pastoral Publication.
Rubbish Pile
Sorrow [for sin] is an intention to abandon the ego. It is hard. Sometimes it is like being skinned alive, peeling away sins and getting rid of some of them, taking on the firm purpose of amendment...I believe that most people are sorry for their sins not just because they dread the loss of heaven and fear hell, it is because they have hurt our Lord. After all, it is the Cross that reveals the dimension of sin. No one ever thoroughly sees sin in its utter nakedness until he understands redemption. Take the errors and the stupidity and the crimes of every day. People summarize them by saying, "Oh, what a fool I made of myself!" There is a world of difference between that and, "Oh, what a sinner I am!"
Fulton J. Sheen, Audio Tape, "Penance"
If we say that we have fellowship with [God] while we are walking in darkness, we lie and do not do what is true; but if we walk in the light as he himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin...If we confess our sins, he who is faithful and just will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
1John 1:6-9
With Saint John Chrysostom, let us contemplate the "many wrongs that the cross has set right," and pray: Dear Lord, even by prayer and penance we cannot fathom the inscrutable way of the cross, but we seek faith that you will deliver us from our sins and rescue us from our wrongheadedness. Amen
Lenten Action
Say a fervent act of contrition today, perhaps one you create in our own words.
So it is that I reflect today on my sinfulness and in so doing offer my sincere sorrow for the sins I have committed. For my sins do indeed impact the lives of many, not just my own and I must accept responsibility for the pain they have caused. And then in gratitude I say to my Lord and Savior, "Deo gratias!"
Again I say,
Thanks be to God!!

Originally uploaded by Oka Kurniawan